Colorized Versions of my Handouts for Exam 4


In my opinion, the colorized versions of earlier handouts (Nuclear & C-S-N & EM & CFCs) are very useful.

{ comment:  These colorized versions are from Fall 2011, but they're almost the same as the revised versions in 2012;

I recommend using my colorized versions to get ideas for colorizing a copy (not your original) of the 2012 version. }


Maybe the colorizing of these new handouts won't be as helpful because, as explained in class, they

are more like "Cliffs Notes" summaries, with internal organization for each section.  The reactions do have

"organizing principles" but maybe this organization is clarified enough by DESCRIBING colors (in handouts)

and showing them (in class), so it may not be necessary to also SHOW colors (in handouts).


In these colorized versions, green brackets, [ , show topics that are covered in more than one place;

sometimes another place is listed, as in "{8a}", but usually you'll just have to search.  If I ever revise
these handouts, all sections (in 8b-and-4, or 8a-and-4,...) will be combined into one section.


There are colorized versions for three handouts:

Quiz 8a   Quiz 8c-Key   Exam 4.