Information about Dog Jog
Sunday — September 16, 2012
what? — Basically, this joyous event is an excuse to celebrate a great American tradition: most of us love dogs, and Dog Jog is an opportunity for people to let their dogs meet other dogs, and let dog lovers meet others and their dogs.
when? — Officially, the race — in which people (tall slow animals) run with their dogs (short fast animals!) — begins a little after 10:00 am and the winners finish in about 10 minutes, but I think the best
part (if you like dogs, and if you don't you won't want to be there) is before the race,
from around 9:20 to
10:05, watching
the dogs and talking with people.
The weather report for Sunday (from, Saturday afternoon) looks good – "mostly sunny, beautiful" with an eventual high of 79. I'll be wearing a red jacket (with white buttons and white stripes on the collar), and if you see me (Craig Rusbult) please say hello.
where? — As you can see in this map from
their homepage, it's happening in the grassy area northeast of Parking Lot 60, next to Lake Mendota on the west end of campus, northwest
of the Natatorium (in the direction of Eagle Heights) and south of Picnic Point, north of the running track, near
Marsh Drive and Walnut St / University Bay Drive. / Sunday, Metro Bus 80 stops at Parking Lot 60, and 81 goes nearby to Observatory & Elm. 02 stops at Marsh & Highland, one street west of Parking Lot 60, University Bay, and Walnut. Other buses travel along University Ave to Walnut St, .5 mile from Dog Jog.
why? — If you like dogs, you'll see a wide variety, and you can talk with people who enjoy talking about their dogs.
About Dog Jog
and press
releases for Dog
Jog 2010 & 2009.