I hope your exam preparation (and everything else) is going well.
I've been making a "review sheet" for Exam 3. You can see the current version (it won't be the final version, but I think much of it will remain as-is) at [link was provided in 2012, but now that file has been revised] and use it now, or wait until T (in lab) or W (in class) when I'll give you a printed copy of the final version. Here are some comments:
The top section (about Acid-Base Reactions) is intended to be mainly self-explanatory, and it's a review of what you already know. [you can ignore the lines labeled "optional" or "later"] We might talk about this W if there is time, but other topics will have higher priority.
The next part ("Main Concepts") may not be useful at all. I recommend ignoring it for now. ( I'll look at it "with fresh eyes" tomorrow, and may decide to revise it or even remove it. )
The second large section, covering Polarity ("1a-b-c-d" on page 1 of Dr Larson's "Exam 3 Study Guide"), will be explained W morning. But most of it will be a review for you; here I'm just "bringing together" things you already know.
I think the second large section, covering Polarity ("1a-b-c-d" on page 1 of Dr Larson's "Exam 3 Study Guide") is partially self-explanatory, and I'll briefly explain it W morning. Even without this explanation, most of it will be a review for you, because I'm just "bringing together" things you already know.
W morning, our main focus will be the bottom section with "Additional Study Questions" that are mostly from the recent lectures, F and today. This bottom part is intended to be "reminders" for you after W's class, about page 1 of Dr Larson's "Exam 3 Study Guide"), we covered. As a review, I think the comments will make sense after we talk about these topics in class.
As usual, I recommend focusing on the lectures and Old Exams, plus the Exam 3 Study Guide.
BTW, you can ask about anything during lab T or R, and after each lab — R at 5:30-6:30 is an "official" office hour, and I'll stay at 5:30 T if there is interest.