Safety Message

from Dean of Students, Lori Berquam:


Welcome to campus! As we begin this semester, I'm asking everyone to try to integrate safe habits into their everyday lives.


Personal safety isn't something to only think about at nighttime, but to make a part of your life, all of the time. We care about our students and want to do everything we can to have a safe and healthy school year.


Safety is a shared partnership between students, faculty and staff, the city and our police. Help play your part:


--Always walk with a friend, or use SAFE Nighttime Services.

--Lock your doors and windows, even if you’re home. Don’t prop doors open.

--Carry a cell phone and dial 911 for help.

--Be aware of your surroundings: Use your “radar” or common sense as your first defense.

--Watch out for your friends and neighbors and take care of one another.

--If you intend to drink, do so in moderation so as not to put yourself in a position of increased risk.

--Never, ever drink and drive.

--Never disable your smoke detector, and test it frequently.

--Use the My UW Portal to sign-up for WiscAlerts-Text, the university's emergency text-messaging system.


To learn more, visit