Adaptations of Ideas from Ronald Giere

The diagrams below show changes I made when adapting a basic Giere-Box by adding colors (yellow for mental, green for physical, yellow-green for mental-and-physical), plus changing sides (moving "mental experimenting" from right to left, because mental occurs first in a PREdiction) and terms (Real World → System, Data → Observations, Model → System-Model, and adding terms like Reality Check, Predictive Accuracy, Mental Experiment, Physical Experiment, actualize, ...), and descriptions.

The third diagram, for Design Process, shows adaptations I made when generalizing my model of Science Process into Design Process with cycles in which we GENERATE-and-EVALUATE by using Reality Checks and two kinds of Quality Checks.


Giere, basic box:
   Hypothetico-Deductive "parallel box" by Ronald Giere


Rusbult, Reality Checks:
  Integration of Interactive Modes


Rusbult, Design Process:
  2-Step Cycle of Design (diagram with details)