This “blank page” has no ideas.
Its purpose is to temporarily

(until you click a link and it's replaced)
let you focus on the other page
that remains open in the left frame
when its links open in this right frame.

IF you're viewing this on a large screen – like
a monitor, or a 10" tablet (in landscape mode) –
probably you can ignore everything below.
IF you're using a small screen and you want
to load only the other page (by itself, in its
own full-width window, so the text is larger),
 you can either 
click a top-of-page link to
"open only this page"

1) move your cursor into
the browser's address-bar,
2) change the URL
{how?  delete
and also
and (if needed) replace %23 with # }
and then     3) press RETURN.

How will doing this affect the behavior of links?
• If you do 1-2-3 (to close this page and
put the other page into its own full-width window or tab),
each link will open in its own new full-width window.
• But if you don't do 1-2-3,
most links will open in this right-side frame and
the left-side page will stay open without changing.