God will fight our battles


Diane Lester led the discussion in our home group on September 20, 2018.  Afterward, responding to requests for her summary-notes, she e-mailed them to us, and has given me permission to post them online so you can read them in Word or PDF.  I like what Diane says, find it insightful & edifying, and I think you will, too.

She reminds us that "God will fight our battles" (as described in Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30) so "we do not have to anguish, be anxious, or be discouraged when bad things happen in our lives" because "no problem is beyond the scope of God’s sovereign care for His children."


We also see these principles for living-by-faith in Exodus 17:11, "whenever Moses raised his hand, the battle went well for Israel;  but whenever he lowered his hand to rest, Amalek began to win."