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 iou – Later, in February 2023, 
there will be more links in this page.




my Simplest Model - Understand, Define, Evaluate & Generate, Decide



2-Step Cycle of Design (simple diagram)



Stage 2, for General Design - Symmetry (mental + physical) in Design Process  



2-Step Cycle of Design (diagram with details)



General Design (above) and (below) Science Design
Science-Design (two versions of its basic logic)



Diagram 2c - showing The Logic of Science-Design, by using Reality Checks





Diagram 2c - showing (with more detail) The Logic of Science-Design, by using Reality Checks


3 Elements used in 3 Comparisons - for 1 Reality Check & 2 Quality Checks


Design Process - 3 Comparisons



best diagram for Design process - showing Design Cycles & Science Cycle



best diagram for Design process - showing Design Cycles & Science Cycle





critical Evaluation can stiumulate-and-guide creative Generation  



above is main part of page, below are sections about Stage 4 (Designing Experiments),  8 Ways to Use Experiments,  Plan-and-Do for Self-Regulated Learning,  Diagram 3a (clicker-map)


{{  Diagram 4a for Stage 4  }}
{{ shows details of Experimental Design }}



Design Process - General Design & Science-Design (simplified)



{{  Diagram 4b for Stage 4  }}
{{ more details of Experimental Design }}



Design Process - General Design & Science-Design



{{ five “4a-isolations” including this one: }}



Design Process - isolation (cycle of design)




9 Essential Actions -- 8 Ways to Use Experiments



Many Ways (3 or 8) to USE EXPERIMENTS




Plan-and-Do/Monitor -- similar to models of Self-Regulated Learning


Stage 2b - Cycles of PLAN and MONITOR



{{ Diagram 3b – Clicker Map }}  
Diagram 3b - a Clicker map with 27 links to verbal descriptions for each part of Diagram 3b



Click on Areas of this Diagram


Evaluate the Option that you have chosen