This website is
– as you would expect from the name –
my main goal is trying to help improve our

Education for Problem Solving

a problem is an opportunity to make something better,
problem solving happens when we do make it better,
and education is learning from all of our experiences.
 { verbal-and-visual models for Problem-Solving Process } 

How?  Through a collaborative process of
cooperatively working with other educators
(hopefully with some at OAGC's Conference)
using creative ideas developed by them and by
me, Craig Rusbult, an enthusiastic educator who
(during life on a road less traveled) earned a PhD in
Curriculum & Instruction by constructing an integrative
 verbal-and-visual model for teaching Scientific Method.

Currently I'm especially excited about creative ways
to teach two kinds of improvising, to solve problems
and to make music using an intuitively-effective strategy
for improvising — by playing along with chord progressions,
using a keyboard that highlights notes of 3 main chords with
musically-logical colorizing (red, blue, green) —
to help us
teach older people (in social centers & living facilities) and
younger people (in K-12 schools) to enjoy music in new
ways when they improve their musical improvising.
{ and also their conversational improvising }

And I'm always excited about problem solving, as
in my seminar for OSU's Engineering Education.

contact-email:  craigru57-att-yahoo-daut-caum

                 I've written a wide variety of web-pages.  A few
                 of them are in the wallet-card overview below, with
                 the links talking you to places later in this page, to
                 descriptions & links for some of my many pages:

                I'm an enthusiastic educator who wants to work with
             others, designing activities that help students improve
             their problem-solving skills.  Some ways to do this (by
             building two-way bridges between school and life, for
             transfers, motivations & confidences, metacognition)
             plus music improvising, ballroom dancing & juggling,
             how I didn't learn to ski & then did (+ other stories,
             re: sports, dogs, Life on a Road Less Traveled,...),
             younger Satchel Paige Age, the benefits of music,
             and more,* are in [the page you're now reading].

             * including pages about new homes for items and
             my dog and – finally back in old Madison! – myself.
             update:  since May 2022 my new home is Columbus.

       The top of page has links for eduWebsite - bio - improvs.
        Below are links to many pages I've written.  I suggest that
        you first read the list to see the topics, then (if you want)
        go back and click links for any pages that look interesting.

        Building Educational Bridges between School and Life (to
        improve student motivations & confidence, plus transfers) is
        part of my website about Education for Problem Solving
        (where problem solving is making things better) that has
        visual-and-visual Action Diagrams (to show Reality Checks &
        Quality Checks with mental-and-physical symmetry) that you
        can learn to understand with your satisfying discovery learning;
        also Accurate Understanding & Respectful Attitudes and more.
        Also, stories (welding, not-skiing, joy,...) and my influences &
        learning from experience & kindness + empathy & edu-topics
        and why so many people respected & loved my sister, Caryl.

        Using Prayer for Problem Solving (for Making Things Better)
             as described in Bible Verses about What-and-How in Life ;
        how Louis said yes to God & forgiving, to become Unbroken.

        Thinking Skills:  Problem Solving  Creativity  Critical Thinking
        (including the “Monday & Tuesday” of an influential teacher),
        Music Improvisation & Theory in old page (big) & new pages      
        (Why & How) and Power Tools for Problem Solving in Physics
        and how I didn't learn to ski (but then did, by using an insight)
        and learned to juggle (in 12 yr, 45 min) & swim (in 5 seconds),
        returning to tennis in 2021 (with two-handed strokes on L & R,
        but basic “natural actions” not working);  PickleBall at 3/4 + 1 ;
        a youtube channel for my juggling/dancing & joyfully cute dog
        and music playlists (vocal & instrumental featuring Gershwin);
        my PhD Dissertation (with huge ToC) about Scientific Method,
        Proton Warring & Wooing by Active Bases (acids are passive),
        Einstein's Theory of Relativity Invariance (learn it in 5 Minutes),
        & helping students improve thinking skills in their science labs,
        teaching ESL & Ballroom Dancing (with transfer-of-patterns) &
        Juggling & Juggling Video+Photos  –  Science for Arts & Sports
        { synchronous running (effective+illegal) & make bamboo flutes
        & The Physics-and-Physiology of Musical Harmony (for ears)
        & Splitting Out the White when Mixing Colored Light (for eyes) }
        and innovative verbal-and-visual representations (e.g. those for
        problem-solving actions, ballroom-dancing transitions, concept-
        networks in physics theory, patterns in music theory, and more)
        and Common Sense (+ Schrodinger's Cat) in Quantum Physics
        and Reality 101 and Fine Tuning of Nature in a Multiverse?
        a younger Satchel Paige Age (he asked “how old do you feel?”)
            – in most ways my Paige Age is younger than my actual 76 ;
            I'm trying to live healthy to slow down my rate of slowdown ;
            my sports (tennis, volleyball, football,... Anteater Olympiad ;
            NBA's brilliant strategy to begin playoffs with four Game 6's,
       two wonderful dogs;   why I moved to Columbus in May 2022,
        two years after I was finding good homes for my dog and our
        family-house items
(trying to give away more, throw away less)
        and then for me with a great new home in my old city, Madison:

madison - isthmus between big lakes

Above and below are aerial photos of my UW Cities, where
I attended UW-FarWest (in Seattle) and UW-MidWest (in Madison),
enjoyed both of these wonderful cities.  I moved to the first in September 1970
and got spring fever, with everything green and beautiful, smelling earthy after each
rain, appreciating the blendings of gray and sunshine, blue sky and white clouds.
Seattle was my first real city, by contrast with the vast megalopolis of SoCal,
where my old home city (Anaheim) blended into its neighbors on all sides.
Moving to Anaheim (family home, 1962-2020) was exciting yet comfortable,
then Seattle was a fun adventure, and so was Madison.  And now Columbus!

madison - isthmus between big lakes
madison - isthmus between big lakes
madison - isthmus between big lakes
madison - isthmus between big lakes madison - isthmus between big lakes
 my new city,
madison - isthmus between big lakes madison - isthmus between big lakes
madison - isthmus between big lakes madison - isthmus between big lakes